Sunday, September 21, 2014

Loving ISIL

A troubling trend has been happening for many years with American Christianity. The trend is disconcerting as American Christianity (in general) is being seen as an extreme right wing fanatical, judgmental, political and even militant cult. How many readers have I lost already? Seriously. To be honest, it is not just here, it is a brand of Christianity that is popping up in various parts of the world including the middle east this past week. This brand of Christianity is obsessed with guns, jail and prison time for law breakers, the death penalty, the increase in funding for the war machine, and of course the death of any terrorists. See the violent trend?

I may be seen as a little rough on American Christianity and I do admit that I am. There is a growing number of Jesus followers who I am reading of every day that are saying "enough." We do not want to be seen as a part of this group. Why? Because none, and I emphasize none, of these beliefs are in line with the teachings of Jesus. None. As a matter of fact these beliefs are considered immoral.

Of course the current focus is on ISIL. Otherwise, it would still be on the "illegal" children, Benghazi, Obama's fake birth certificate, or the evil of providing health insurance for our own people.

Don't get me wrong. I understand how serious of a situation that it is in that part of the world right now. It calls for a lot of deep thought and soul searching, and a measured response. But when Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty says "Convert them or kill them" red flags should go everywhere. Americans Christians are crying for the same thing that the enemy is crying for: death of the other side, of the enemy.

My own soul searching has shown me some things about Jesus that I think are important to note. He lived in a time when his country was being ruled and even oppressed by an outside terrorist nation, namely Rome. Rome often killed those who opposed them as she had to keep total control. Jesus in fact was considered one of those troublemakers and his own religious leaders made sure that He was taken care of, not through beheading, but through the agony of crucification. Because of this I would think that it is important to look and see what he thought.

Jesus gave fair warning that there would be hard times. He stated firmly that people would even die at the hands of their enemies. He said to expect it.  So what should we do as Jesus followers if an enemy does find us? Here is what He said:
  • Love your enemies.
  • Pray for them.
  • Bless your enemies.
  • Meet your enemies' needs.
  • Loan them anything that they need.
  • Don't expect anything in return.
  • Carry their belongings for them if so asked.
  • Do more for them than what they asked for.
  • If they hurt you, do not return the favor.
  • Be a peacemaker.
Wow. Almost sounds like pacifism, but it's not. It's a radical way too bring your enemy over to your side without violence or destruction. For the individual Jesus follower this is a radical way to live one's life. Especially radical when one considers that if we were there right now, living and breathing in the midst of that terror, we are called on by Jesus to follow those teachings. He elsewhere says that after his death there would be many deaths of early followers. He never told them to stand and defend themselves by pushing violence of the enemy. He told them to run from city to city practicing these radical truths.

I have high praise for the organizations who are "fighting" ISIL right now, not with the violence of weapons, but by love and service. These organizations like Samaritan's Purse have people on the ground helping those who seeking to avoid being killed. God's love is being shown in a dark place. I have high praise for the two journalists who voluntarily went to the part of the world to serve and yet to then be beheaded. They put themselves in the midst of a grave position and they paid the ultimate sacrifice.

There are no easy answers to how our country should respond. I appreciate the fact that our President has taken a slow line in building a coalition and in thinking out a strategy. I pray for him and our leaders daily. I enjoyed listening to President Clinton 2 days ago as he spoke of countries building interdependence with each other as this would slowly force out the troublemakers without violence.  Do I believe that we should kill the enemy? No. I believe that we must continue to help those who want to find safety to do just that and there are many good people doing just that.

But for the gun carrying American Christian, I encourage you earnestly to look at the teachings of Jesus again. Consider your response to any enemies that you might have. Have you done anything good for that enemy lately? Have you loved on them, prayed for them, gone above and beyond to meet some need that they might have? How would you respond to an enemy who might threaten you? Hopefully not in the same way as a "Christian" family recently did in Alaska.

Yes, American Christianity disturbs me greatly. But again, I bring it back to myself. How have I responded to my enemies? I've had a number of them - some who have brutally attacked who I am. I know that I have not always responded well, but hopefully I will do better in the future as a result of today's spiritual musing.


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