Thursday, April 30, 2015

Who is David Welch?!

I was reading another blogger earlier tonight and his blog resonated with me. He had been accused of deserting his faith, of becoming a liberal, and other various "major" sins. And so he attempted to clear the air in what I consider to be a humble response. Here is my attempt to do the same.

For the most part I ignore anymore what people think of me or what they say about me. I'm 50 years old and quite frankly I don't have the patience to deal with folks who won't sit down with me personally to be able to see who I really am. For example, last year, I chose to remove someone from my life after many confrontations with them regarding their behaviors and their continuous lies. It was a difficult choice, but clearly it was a wise one as still nothing has changed. Some have criticized me publically for the decision, but most have simply resorted to whispers or to saying nothing at all. That saddens me, but I will not chase people down to explain my side. People will believe whatever they want to believe without trying to see all sides of any issue.

Secondly, some see many  of my posts against what I will call the "Christian Teapublican Party" and they think that I am on a mission to somehow destroy the Church with my words. Some say that I have even left my faith. A friend  two years ago walked away from  me for exactly this reason (there's a nice God like attitude! LOL). But in reality, especially in the last year, my faith has grown tremendously. The problem lies in the fact my faith in Jesus does not allow for me to hold to many of the tenants that fellow believers seem to hold with the Teapublican party. Having been a Church minister, God has given me a voice and I seek to use that voice to speak about the false religion of the Christian Teapublican. Jesus has no desire to establish an earthly kingdom and yet that is exactly what leaders such as Falwell, Robertson, Cruz, Bachman, Huckabee and now even Franklin Graham are trying to do with their moral majorities, family councils, and political groups to elect all Christians to office. (BTW - I've had this same view for 35 years). Jesus has no desire to force faith or religion on people. He has 2 commands: love God and love people. The angry rhetoric of the Teapublicans is hardly that.

Which brings me to the dreaded "liberal" label. I actually embrace the title these days, but I am also conservative in ways. I am conservative, and actually agree with the Tea Party on the basic premise of financial accountability. We need to look closely at our debts and at our deficit and we must hold leaders accountable. We need desperately to reduce wasteful spending and we need to be wise in how we spend. Taxes are a necessary part of any good nation, but there always needs to be a healthy debate as to how much is too much.

However, as far back as I can remember, I believe in what some will call liberal ideals. I believe that we as a country should take care of her own. The Bible is abundantly clear that God holds nations accountable for how they treat the poor within their borders. He holds nations accountable for how they treat the immigrants that enter into their countries. He holds them accountable for how they treat all people - as we like to say - all people are created equal. Through time we have continued to move towards the attitude of equality especially making great strides here in our country during the last 80 years. Equality means equal rights for ALL people. It even means equal pay for the same jobs. It means providing equal opportunity for all people, not just those who can afford it. Equal despite color, sex, age, religion, nationality or any other diversity.

Liberal means learning to lay down the weapons, as much as is possible, and instead showing love towards enemies. It means learning to be peacemakers. It means doing away with vengeance and the barbaric death penalty.

I believe in Jesus and His teachings. I do believe in salvation from sin through His death. I have pledged my life to loving Him and loving others. I find that as I grow in my faith, that there are more and more questions - things aren't nearly as black and white. There is a comforting peace in that knowledge. There is a reason that God is mysterious and why it is difficult to know Him and every time we begin to think that we know something about Him, He reveals another mysterious side. But in Him we move, we live, we have our being. He is all in all thus there is nowhere where He is not including all of nature and people around us.

I am a complex person as you are too. I love politics and may just throw my hat back in the ring for office. I don't love politics because of some belief that politics will bring utopia. I do not believe that politics will force a nation to be somehow good or even Christian. I do believe in a politics where the politician serves their people's needs. At the same time I love trying to promote the real Kingdom of God. His Kingdom should be growing and should be shining brightly in the midst of the darkness of what politics can not fix. We are to let the light of the Kingdom shine, not force it down people's throats through words or even legislation.

My mind never stops. I love quiet times and yet my mind never slows down. There are multiple projects going on at all times. I've had more ups/downs in my life than most people only because of this racing mind. My thirst for knowledge and wisdom is insatiable. I will always study all sides of issues so that I can defend all sides before making a decision as to what side I will be on.

One of the things that I work on is how I come across to people. Some say that I am arrogant or that I come across as knowing everything. I don't feel that way at all, but I do have much impatience for those who don't look at all sides of an issue.

Not sure why I even wrote this - perhaps only because I could relate to another blogger whose faith and politic were being questioned. I can relate. So maybe this was more for me, rather than you.


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