Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sharing My Spiritual Journey With You

My life has been a very public one. Whether it has been in church ministry, in business, or in political  or social activism, I have been in a spot light of some type. And yet so many people are amazed when they learn of my story behind the scenes, sometimes exciting and at other times an absolutely dreadful. I hope that through this blog that you will learn more of my story and that it will be an encouragement to you.

I have done a great deal of writing over the years, on many different subjects, but this blog will be different. This is where I want to record my spiritual journey. I'm doing it for myself mainly to help clarify what is going on in my head and my life, and yet I will leave it open for others, for you, to watch. Perhaps somewhere along the line, you will read something that will be one of those "aha" moments for you.

This spiritual journey is not about being a Christian. I'm not a Christian - at least not the type that you see so much of in the mega churches and in the political arena today. But I am trying to follow the teachings of Jesus in my own personal life. Yes, I said "trying....." I want to be a follower especially of the 2 great commandments, loving God and loving people.

So, what is my spiritual journey? For those looking at me from the outside, it was being baptized as an infant in the Catholic Church. It was finding Jesus through a sinner's prayer in 1972 as a young seven year old. It was attending a Conservative Baptist Church in the Northeast and then living my teenage years at a worldwide religious organization (Word of Life Fellowship) centered in upstate New York. At 19 I entered church ministry where I would serve for the next 15 years. I served as a pastor (youth, associate and senior) in several states with different denominations: Conservative Baptist, Independent Baptist, American Baptist, and the Presbyterian Church of America. Today I attend several different churches

But here is a brief snapshot of the inside spiritual journey which is even more varied (and that's what I will be sharing with you in the blog). I started out as a pretty strict moralist who would condemn anyone or anything that I felt was unbiblical. I felt it was my duty to call folks out. I loved Jesus and was not afraid to share that with anyone. I was, I am sure, pretty obnoxious at times! I served in several Baptist churches after attending 2 years of Bible school, but I kept having some nagging questions about some things that I was taught. 10 years after college, I went back to get my degree and as I studied, I confronted some of my nagging questions and I switched over to Presbyterian doctrine. I left the ministry in 1999 disillusioned with church in general and many preachers in particular, over politics and power. I haven't been a member of any church in at least 10 years and don't see that changing. I still detest the power and politics in most of American Christianity, but I feel great compassion for individuals. I seek to now follow the red letters (Jesus' words) and yet probably fail more than often succeed. I figure if I can get Jesus' words down, then maybe I can get some of the other author's words down!

I've gone through several life altering events in my life - game changers. One of them just this year. These game changers have shattered many ideas and beliefs that I have had, but instead of driving me away from Jesus, they have eventually brought me closer to His teachings - actually a new understanding of His teachings and even the teachings of the entire Scripture. With that, I now mentally live in a world where it is ok to live in the midst of questions, to not have answers, where it is ok to critically look at everything I have ever believed spiritually. And with that my spiritual journey has changed completely.

I won't be writing in the days ahead to show you where I have it all together. You will most likely than not see where I have more questions than answers. As someone who is attempting to be a Jesus follower, I have come to realize that this is a journey and not a destination.

If you are comfortable with your Christianity and you have all of your beliefs all tidy and lined up - you are not going to enjoy this blog. Matter of fact, you'll most likely get angry - just fair warning! Anyone who knows me, knows that my words can provoke deep emotions in others! (Depart now - the roller coaster is about to depart!). But if you, like me, have questions - if you want something deeper than what you see - if you are willing to challenge your current beliefs to find that deeper spiritual journey - then climb aboard! It should be an interesting journey.

Please also take the time to leave comments, to pose questions, to share experiences, to express pleasure or to express anger. Come join me and let's grow together.



  1. My dear long time friend,

    I am looking forward to walking beside you on this journey.

    Blessings, Shelly

  2. Blessings to you Shelly. Thank you.
